Saturday morning found me with my ole buddy Dave. We heard a lot of birds on the roost, but like last weekend they dissipated after fly down. Unlike last weekend though we had several that were gobbling well after fly down. We started working on a vocal bird, but he froze on us so we tried to make a move, but got busted.

On the walk out to another spot we heard one gobbling to my box call in a good place and we took off. It was a short shot setup, but I figure it would work and it did. I'm thinking he might have been 15 yards away. It was flippin awesome! Never had one that close in plain view.

10" beard and 1" even spurs. My best spurred bird. It sure was fun having Dave there to help! The kids sure were excited to see the tom, too!

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"The bottom line is, if you shoot something, be proud of it. If you can't be proud of it, don't shoot it. God didn't create any "justs." Neither should bowhunters." -Dwight Schuh