Starting to get ready for the Fall. We usually are done with trimming, new setups, plots, and cam locations by the end of July.

A few of our places are not where you can get any motorized equipment to, so it is weedeater and roundup time. Sometimes i can get the push mower and 4-wheeler back there. Luke and I went to look last week and we got a bunch of sweating to do. It pays off big for us though.

This year personally, I am going to try and go back to basics. I have an Omega longbow on order. Looking to kill a decent buck with the traditional equipment. I have killed several does in the past but never a buck. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself for a giant and that is okay for me most years. I am going to just focusing on fun and getting a decent buck this year.

I have just a few more seasons with Luke in the house. Going to make the most of it.

You guys doing anything? Have timetables? Goals for the 2017 season?

Fishing and honeybee time