190lbs/clean 8pt...Shot at 7:06am Fri 10/28/16 in Jasper County...
Called in, I did a few soft bleats and grunts and he came in and stood by my 41yd tree looking around for the source of the grunts, couldnt see any other deer turned to leave, stood broadside still looking and I pinwheeled him him at 43 yds..took out the lower lobes of both lungs and top of the heart...he ran 100 paces...Complete pass thru...'06 Allegiance/30"draw/63lbs/Gt Velocity XT340's and tipped with Steelhead XL 100 gr .....thank god for game carts as I had over a mile to get him out... I back packed in my LW Alpha II and 4 sticks and set up on the edge of a marsh looking south to a ridge about 80 yds away, great travel corridor...there was the new moon rising, with just a sliver of light at its bottom... I love hunting on a rising moon !!

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"