Thought this would be a fun topic and I'd like to know what Y'all think?

After all my years of hunting deer, talking to other hunters, telling and hearing stories...I've come to the conclusion that in MOST cases, Mature bucks don't HAVE to go searching and running all over in search of does. I believe that most of the time, when they witness smaller bucks chasing does, if they smell or declare the doe to be ready, they just waltz up and take her. I've seen it. Buddies have seen it.
My feeling, and I'm sure others will disagree, is that some deer or in this case bucks, just like some humans, tend to be more timid or I like to say scared of everything. You know, some are risk takers and some of us never volunteer to go first but rather choose to watch Mr big shot take a chance on getting hurt or looking bad. I believe bucks are the same way. I believe from the time they are fawns, some just don't take chances. I believe these are the ones who make it to maturity. They make it because when the woods starts gathering human scent(bow season) they start getting nervous and go nocturnal. I believe MANY if not MOST mature bucks NEVER go anywhere FIRST. I've seen it! Almost every mature buck I've seen was 70-100 yards behind a 2 1/2yr old buck. Think about this: How many true STUDS have broken antlers? My theory: They aren't fighting over a doe. It's not who they are. They're naturally timid. That's how they lived so long.
Not all of them, But many of them. They don't HAVE to fight a small buck because he will run from the big boy.
That's my thoughts...lets have some fun...