I shot this buck on November 6th. Before he came in I watched 2 young bucks have an all out fight for about 10 minutes, then all of asudden they took off. I was thinking to myself there must be something bigger that spooked them off. About 5 minutes later I see antlers walking through the woods at about 75 yards away, so l hit the doe bleat followed up with a couple of grunts. The deer stopped in its tracks and looked in my direction, that's when I hit grunt tube a few more times. He was following the script perfectly, he slowly walked in my direction stomping and all bristled up looking for a fight. He kept coming my direction still looking for the deer that was grunting. He got to within 10 yards and I let the arrow fly out of the ole trusty Parker bow. He has 20 inch inside spread, and I was happy to harvest him (just don't see wide rack bucks in my neck of the woods). He field dressed at 213 pounds.
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So I went out today and was looking for a doe to put in the freezer. I set up in a ground blind on field edge, looking across to a known bedding area in my woods. At about 12:30 I see a doe pop out of bedding area, which is about 80 yards away from my blind, she kept looking back in the bedding area. I was getting ready for a shot when I see the biggest buck I have ever seen while hunting pop out of the bedding area. I believe this buck would make Boone and Crockett no problem. I was so fixated on this buck I didn't even notice the doe had already slipped into woods. I did get a picture of the buck, it's a little grainy but you can tell he is a biggun.
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"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect."
-Mark Twain-