
Can Any Computer Guys help me?

Posted By: ParkerBow

Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 09/29/2016 09:48 PM

I cannot see the pictures on this forum or the Hunting Indiana forum anymore. They just come up as a box which looks like a piece of paper with the corner turned and it is grey and green with a - by it. They have always come up before for me but just recently I cannot see them. Any help would be great.
Sorry, I know this has nothing to do with deer hunting but i know a lot of guys read this section.
Posted By: Bryan78

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 09/30/2016 09:11 AM

Try updating Java Script
Posted By: 76chevy

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 09/30/2016 02:02 PM

which browser you using?
Posted By: DEC

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 09/30/2016 03:12 PM

Another thing to look at is if you are running Windows 10. Their new Windows Defender has been giving me fits on my machines when it comes to certain forums. Hoosier Hunting is one of them. It seems like it will only let me look at certain parts of the forums. If I shut Windows Defender off then it lets me look at any part of the forum. I run a 3rd party anti-virus/firewall so I don't need Windows Defender. What I am reading though is it takes a registry edit to permanently turn it off. So I turn it off manually, then after a couple days Windows turns Defender back on again. It is a pain in the butt.
Posted By: ParkerBow

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 09/30/2016 08:54 PM

Thanks for the replies fellas.

I am running windows 10 on Google chrome and it seems like they are always doing updates to windows 10 and it screws with everything. I have not had time yet to try updating Java yet.
Posted By: blackoak

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 10/01/2016 02:18 AM

If I had to use windows 10 I would give up the computer and the internet. I just hope support for Windows 7 last until MS gets their crap together and designs something , anything better than 10. They should have quit at 7 and never put out another OS. I hate change!!!
Posted By: ParkerBow

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 10/01/2016 11:12 AM

Originally posted by blackoak:
If I had to use windows 10 I would give up the computer and the internet. I just hope support for Windows 7 last until MS gets their crap together and designs something , anything better than 10. They should have quit at 7 and never put out another OS. I hate change!!!
I agree, I hate change too, especially with the darn computer updates. I finally figure everything out and know how to do stuff then they update crap and screw everything up. Why update when it works fine. GRRRR.
Posted By: sticksender

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 10/01/2016 02:17 PM

1. Clear everything from your browser.....Browsing History, Cookies, Cache, & Offline Website Data.

2. Check your advanced display settings on Google Chrome to be sure 'show all images' is enabled:

Menu/Settings/Advanced-Settings/Privacy/Content Settings/Show-All-Images/Done

3. Run Firefox or IE to see if the problem goes away.
Posted By: ParkerBow

Re: Can Any Computer Guys help me? - 10/01/2016 08:23 PM

I have done all the above and still the pictures will not show up. I Give. Thanks all for trying to help.
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